* denotes equal contribution
# denotes corresponding author
google scholar
T. Maire, Z. Wan, L. Lambrechts, F.J.H. Hol#. BuzzWatch: uncovering multi-scale temporal patterns in mosquito behavior through continuous long-term monitoring. bioRxiv (2025)
BuzzWatch wiki | github -
L.S. Baik, G.J.S. Talross, S. Gray, H.S. Pattisam, T.N. Peterson, J.E. Nidetz, F.J.H. Hol, J.R. Carlson#. Mosquito taste responses to human and floral cues guide biting and feeding. Nature (2024)
S.L. Blanken, W. Prudhomme O’Meara, F.J.H. Hol, T. Bousema, C.F. Markwalter#. À la carte: how mosquitoes choose their blood meal. Trends in Parasitology (2024)
T. Maire, L. Lambrechts, F.J.H. Hol#. Arbovirus impact on mosquito behavior: the jury is still out. Trends in Parasitology (2024)
G.P.D. Murray, E. Giraud, F.J.H. Hol#. Characterizing Mosquito Biting Behavior Using the BiteOscope. Cold Spring Harb Protoc (2023)
arXiv version (2021) -
G.P.D. Murray, E. Giraud, F.J.H. Hol#. Characterizing mosquito biting behavior at high resolution. Cold Spring Harb Protoc (2023)
S. Kumar*, F.J.H. Hol*, S. Pujhari, C. Ellington, H.V. Narayanan, H. Li, J.L. Rasgon, M. Prakash#. Vectorchip: Microfluidic platform for highly parallel bite by bite profiling of mosquito-borne pathogen transmission. Nature Communications, 12, 6018, (2021)
bioRxiv version (2020) -
V. Jove, Z. Gong*, F.J.H. Hol*, Z. Zhao*, T.R. Sorrells, T.S. Carroll, M. Prakash, C.S. McBride, L.B. Vosshall#. Sensory Discrimination of Blood and Floral Nectar by Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes. Neuron, 108, (2020)
bioRxiv version | github -
F.J.H. Hol#, L. Lambrechts, M. Prakash. BiteOscope: an open platform to study mosquito biting behavior. eLife, 9:e56829, (2020)
bioRxiv version | github -
F.J.H. Hol#, G.M. Whitesides, C. Dekker. Bacteria in paper, a versatile platform to study bacterial ecology. Ecology Letters, 22: 1316-1323. (2019)
H. Mukundarajan, F.J.H. Hol, E. Castillo, C. Newby, M. Prakash#. Using Mobile Phones as acoustic sensors for high-throughput mosquito surveillance. eLife, 6:e27854 (2017)
F.J.H. Hol, O. Rotem, C. Dekker, E. Jurkevitch, D.A. Koster#. Bacterial predator-prey dynamics in micro-scale patchy landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 283: 20152154 (2016)
F.J.H. Hol#, B. Hubert, C. Dekker, J.E. Keymer#. Adaptive resistance and growth of Escherichia coli bacteria in an antibiotic gradient. The ISME Journal, 10:30–38 (2016)
F.J.H. Hol#, P. Galajda, R. Woolthuis, J.E. Keymer#. The idiosyncrasy of spatial structure in bacterial competition. BMC Research Notes, 8:245 (2015)
F.J.H. Hol and C. Dekker#. Zooming in to see the bigger picture: microfluidic and nanofabrication tools to study bacteria. Science, 346:6208 (2014)
F.J.H. Hol#, M.J. Voges, C. Dekker, J.E. Keymer#. Nutrient-responsive regulation determines biodiversity in a colicin-mediated bacterial community. BMC Biology 12:68 (2014)
S. van Vliet, F.J.H. Hol, T. Weenink, P. Galajda, J.E. Keymer#. The effects of chemical interactions and culture history on the colonization of structured habitats by competing bacterial populations. BMC Microbiology 14:116 (2014)
P. Chen*, L. Xu*, J. Liu, F.J.H. Hol, J.E. Keymer, F. Taddei, D. Han, A.B. Lindner#. Nanoscale probing the kinetics of oriented bacterial cell growth using atomic force microscopy. Small doi: 10.1002/smll.201303724 (2014)
F.J.H. Hol*#, P. Galajda*, K. Nagy, R. Woolthuis, C. Dekker, J.E. Keymer#. Spatial structure facilitates cooperation in a social dilemma: empirical evidence from a bacterial community. PLOS ONE 8: e77042 (2013)
N. Laurens, R.P.C. Driessen, I. Heller, D. Vorselen, M.C. Noom, F.J.H. Hol, M.F. White, R.T. Dame, G.J.L. Wuite#. Alba shapes the archaeal genome using a delicate balance of bridging and stiffening the DNA. Nature Communications 3:1328 (2012)
J. Mannik, F. Wu, F.J.H. Hol, P. Bissichia, D. Sherratt, J.E. Keymer and C. Dekker#. Robustness and accuracy of cell division in Escherichia coli in diverse cell shapes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109:6957–6962 (2012)
F.J.H. Hol*#, X. Wang*# and J.E. Keymer#. Population structure increases the evolvability of genetic algorithms. Complexity 17:58–64 (2012)